About Catalogue

Catalogue Raisonné is an ongoing project initiated by the FANGOR Foundation, committed to documenting the artistic practice of Wojciech Fangor (1922–2015).

The catalog consists of four main groups – painting, spatial realisations, prints, and photographs – arranged in chronological order. Within each year, alphabetical order has been applied, which, in the case of numbered paintings, also allows for the reconstruction of the exact sequence of the works’ creation. The range of works spans the years 1936–2015, including the artist’s early period up to his first exhibition in 1949.

Because Fangor’s work transcends the conventions of disciplines, all the groups are presented on a common timeline, highlighting the close connections between the works. Unlike traditional printed Catalogues Raisonnés, the digital form of the catalog enables organic reconfigurations of the collection based on interlinked groups of filters. These include: periods of Fangor’s artistic activity expressed in decades, classification into specific fields, collaborations with other artists within closely related artistic environments, and keywords describing the main themes defining the artist’s oeuvre. Filtering allows for the application of cross-referenced multiple-choice connections in conjunction with search engine keywords. The Catalogue Raisonné is integrated with Exhibition and Bibliography databases based on individual numbers present in each of the collections.