Wojciech Fangor: B 70, 1965

B 70, 1965

Oil, canvas 60 x 60 cm

Signature / Inscription Verso, upper right: FANGOR / B 70 1965; bottom right [crossed out]: FANGOR / B 70 1965
Provenance [Galerie Springer, Berlin, 1965]
Private collection, Germany, mid 1960s
[Villa Grisebach Auktionen, Berlin, lot. 700, June 2016]
Private collection, Europe, 2016
[DESA Unicum, Warsaw, lot. 18, October 2018]
[Galeria Art Rytel, Warsaw, 2nd half of 2010s]
[DESA Unicum, Warsaw, lot. 14, March 2020]
[DESA Unicum, Warsaw, lot. 17, March 2021]
  • "Ausstellungen." Das Kunstwerk, vol. XIX, no. 9 (March, 1966).
  • Fangor. Exhibition Brochure. Stuttgart : Württembergischer Kunstverein, Studioausstellung 4, 1966.
Technical note Label on the loom: GALERIE SPRINGER BERLIN / W 15 Kurfürstendamm 18 Tel. 91 49 00 / Wojciech Fangor / " B 70/1965 " Ol a. Lwd. / 60 x 60 cm
Label on the loom: GRISEBACH / Auktion Nr. 260 Los-Nr. 700 / Fangor, Wojciech / "B 70" / 1965 / Fasanenstraße 25 . D - 10719 Berlin / Tel.: 030 - 885 915-0 . Fax: 030 - 882 41 45