Wojciech Fangor: The Blonde Witch, 1957

The Blonde Witch, 1957

Colour rotogravure, paper 58.5 x 84 cm

Photo The National Museum in Warsaw – Poster Museum at Wilanów
Signature / Inscription Recto, bottom right [print]: FANGOR
Fabricators / Collaborators Published by: Centrala Wynajmu Filmów
Print: RSW "Prasa"
  • Bouesing, Nicole and Heiko Klaas. "Virtuose der Unschärfe." DARE (October 3, 2017).
  • Dabrowski, Magdalena ed. Wojciech Fangor: Color and Space. Milano: Skira, 2018.
Critical Comments Poster for the film "The Blonde Witch" (Polish title: Czarownica / original title: La sorcière), directed by André Michel, 1956, France.