Premiere of the book “Fangor After Guggenheim”
February 10, 2024
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GNYP Gallery presents the new book on Wojciech Fangor oeuvre, which will be launched on February 10 in Antwerp.
Published in collaboration with FANGOR Foundation the book “Fangor After Guggenheim” highlights the artists’s career after his celebrated solo exhibition at New York’s Guggenheim Museum in 1970. “Fangor After Guggenheim” contains three brilliant thought-provoking essays by the art writers Dominic Eichler, Pamela Hansford and Darla Migan, each focusing on a series or an element of Fangor’s artistic practice: Dominic Eichler on the series Interfaces 1975-1976, Pamela Hansford on Television Paintings 1977-1984 and Darla Migan on Chairs 1980-1990s.
We thanks to the archivist of the estate Maciej Harland-Parzydło and Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw.